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About Us

A9 Green is New England's leading building consultant providing HERS ratings, AeroBarrier Sealing, and Passive House/LEED certifications. With close to 2 decades of experience, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner of developers, architects, and builders in the building industry. We provide a one-stop solution for achieving optimal energy performance. 


A9 Green Group Photo

Summer 2023 Intern Team & Staff

Our team of experts have years of experience in the energy efficiency sector and are excited to work with our clients to help them reach their goals.

We take pride in encouraging the next generation of green-minded individuals. We actively teach interns about energy efficiency and the importance of green technology in the 21st century. At A9 Green, we believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and grow.


To inquire about job/learning opportunities, please Contact Us! 

We look forward to hearing from you. 

The MassCEC logo, which is green and blue.

A9 Green Interns

A9 Green is proud to routinely employ interns from the MassCEC program, teaching individuals about energy efficiency, and providing them with skills they can use to achieve their goals. Several of our full-time employees are former A9 Interns. Our interns work hard to contribute to our company. See below their accomplishments with A9 Green! 

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