Also known as AeroBarrier Sealing (ABS), Aeroseal Envelope is a revolutionary energy efficiency air sealing technology that seals air leaks in buildings, reducing the need for additional insulation.
AeroBarrier Sealing (ABS)
Watch our video about ABS!

A9 Green is transforming the way residential, multifamily, and commercial builders air seal the building envelope in New England by aligning our energy consulting and HERS Raters experience with the Aeroseal Envelope - AeroBarrier technology. We guarantee that your project will meet any IECC, ENERGY STAR, or passive house requirements. You will never fail a blower door test!​

Why is AeroBarrier Sealing the best option?
Measurable Results
As AeroBarrier is applied, the results are displayed in real time. Aeroseal makes meeting strict codes practical & affordable with guaranteed results.
Time Saving
The whole process from setting up, to cleaning up, takes about 3 hours. Once set up, the AeroBarrier machine takes over and manages the sealing process to completion.
Durable & Reliable
Sealant achieves durability performance in 3 key areas: flexing, aging, and compatibility; in tests simulating 50 yrs of service. Aeroseal is a one-time service with lasting results.
Cost Effective
No more caulking needed to weatherize a space pre-drywall. Avoid sealing guesswork and save on time, material, labor, and mechanical load.
Passive House Path
By incorporating a blower door, the AeroBarrier system is able to dial in your desired leakage. Get the maximum performance out of your ventilation, heating and cooling.

The AeroBarrier process is GreenGuard Gold certified with Ultra-low VOC content and no off-gassing. Work can resume in the home within 30 minutes.
More resources for learning about ABS:
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