A9 Green is an independent ENERGY STAR certified Home Energy Rater. This means that we can work with ENERGY STAR certified builders and contractors to build new homes that are ENERGY STAR certified. We are trained in Massachusetts climate-specific energy saving techniques which allows us to select the most appropriate energy-efficient features for our builders and contractors. These homes are constructed to meet very strict energy efficiency requirements created by the EPA. They are built to achieve high levels of performance through a complete package of building-science-based energy efficiency systems and measures which are verified by Home Energy Raters, like us.
ENERGY STAR is widely known as the top energy efficiency program for residential new construction. To create a home that is ENERGY STAR certified is a complex process which requires coordination and communication between a variety of people.
Below is a simplification of this process:

Step 1: Builder Becomes an ENERGY STAR Partner
Through a partnership with ENERGY STAR, a builder selects a Home Energy Rater (like A9 Green) to work with to certify their homes.
Step 2: Builder and Rater Work Together to Select Climate-appropriate Energy Efficiency Features
The builder will submit their architectural plans to A9 Green for review and analysis. A9 Green then helps the builder choose the best combination of energy-efficient features and develops a customized approach for each home using specialized home energy modeling software.
Step 3: Builder Constructs Home and Rater Performs Field Verification and Quality Assurance
A9 Green Raters will conduct onsite inspections and testing during and after construction to ensure rigorous ENERGY STAR requirements are met. This extensive verification process identifies and corrects mistakes that may impact a home's energy efficiency before they become problems. During the inspection process, A9 Green Raters utilize a set of comprehensive ENERGY STAR checklists designed to deliver better efficiency, comfort, quality, and durability.
Step 4: Rater Certifies the Home and Issues an ENERGY STAR Label
After the A9 Green Rater completes the final site inspection and determines that all ENERGY STAR requirements have been met, they will provide the builder with the ENERGY STAR label - proof that the home is ENERGY STAR certified.